Monday, February 25, 2008

Article-Feed Discusses the Power of Article Submission

There's a war raging on the World Wide Web. What's at stake in this war is top ranking on search engines. There are bloody battles being waged over who's website is going to win a position in the top 10 of Google, Yahoo and other search engines.

The reason for all this bloodshed is that 80% of the visitors to websites come from a search engine site.

Each year billions of dollars are spent making online purchases. What part of that is your website getting?

As in any war, the fellow with the best strategy takes the hill. If you're concerned about the return on the investment you made in your website, then you need to be concerned about your website's placement on the various search engines.

Wars are won or lost by the strategy used to plan successful campaigns. Articles are a proven technique to successfully boost search engine ranking. Article Feed is the tactical specialist at writing and submitting articles.

Article Feed was created for the sole purpose of writing and submitting high quality, keyword rich articles that result in improved ranking for our clients. Rather than seeking to do many tasks pretty well, we've chosen to focus on one aspect of web marketing and do it extremely well.

We consider ourselves allies not adversaries of the various search engines. We don't consider it our job to "trick" them or to bypass their requirements or ranking formulas. We've mastered their technology in order to present them with high quality, informative articles that provide relevancy and repetition thereby legitimately improving our clients ranking.

Deploy our tactical specialists in your next search engine optimization campaign. Article Feed is the article specialist.

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